Ah, Japan—a magical land unfettered by centuries of moral repression and suppression of that most natural human urge. I speak, of course, of SEX!
The Land of the Rising Sun (how phallic!) is a mystical realm untouched by the Judeo-Christian dualism of good and evil—an unnatural moral code that is so easily internalised, and which turns any
population under its nefarious influence into neurotic hypocrites struggling, guilt-ridden and in vain, against the very core of their own being. But Japan is a country where, in the 1970s and '80s, a lorry driver might walk into any petrol station and purchase a cassette of popular music accompanying a pornographic radio play taking him, as he continues on his amphetamine-fuelled delivery run across the country, through the abject humiliation and sexual torture of the starlet of his dreams… Nippon—the everyman pervert's paradise!
These S&M tales are make-believe, of course, and as Annie Sprinkle or some other racy American Feminist of her generation once said in a TV documentary Toilet Guppies can't remember the title of: in our own fantasy scenarios we are ourselves all of the characters, so anything goes!

Not that we need political correctness to justify or permit the lurid thoughts it in any case is not in our power to control (however much we limit acting on them). PC is about as sexy as it is funny, so leave that Feminism, Puritanism, Humanism, liberal or Catholic guilt or whatever aside for a moment and let your wretched and stamping, snorting beast out of its cramped, little cage. Be true to yourself for once! Come on, admit it: You're a big ol' freak, just like everybody else…
Everybody else worth talking about, that is. Of course, we don't talk about sex—at least not freely—despite the overabundance of saucy incinuendos in ads, pop hits and TV dramas about young professional city-dwellers/desperate housewives/cougars/Californicators, &c. Yes, there's the sexologist's advice column in your respectable broadsheet's
Sunday supplement, castrating any visceral edge sex may have had for you before you read it. Yes, there are the sex tips—always the same obvious ones, repeated over & over again—in lads' and ladies' mags. Yes, there are the readers' barely literate letters, full of clichéd scenarios and banal descriptions, in specialist porn publications. And yes, there's the parade of poor grammar inundating your inbox with teens, viagra, big dicks and farm animals. We've all watched Rochelle, Rochelle—A Young Girl's Strange, Erotic Journey from Milan to Minsk. But when was the last time you told a friend, a lover, relative or stranger about your deepest, most shameful (or just plain hygienically revolting) wants? Does your love ever dare speak its name? Or do you envelop your sexuality in a silence that alienates even yourself from your own decadent desires, leaving a chasm between your body and your mind? Do you act on these lusts lurking around the edges as well as smack dab at the centre of your animal consciousness, sandwiching the rest of the irrelevant contents of your mind between a variety of depraved inclinations that simply won't go away? Or do you keep them to yourself and your soiled and sticky hand? What are those files you forgot to clear off your interweb browser cache? Does the person lying next to you know what you would really like to do? (Do you know what he or she or it really wants?) Do your friends have any idea how fucking weird you are? Or is your imagination so limited that you cannot even think of a decent (or rather, indecent) kink or fetish to call your own?
Well, fret not! That's what pornography—the 8th largest industry in the world—is for, and do I have something juicy for you: I don't understand Japanese any better than you do, but the international language of
pained moans pleading for mercy, found on this 1980 cassette aimed at the Japanese lorry driver demographic and starring actress Mabuki Junko (backed by the aptly named «Pink Moon Orchestra»), is sure to conjure images in your mind far more outrageous than the ones actually being enacted in the play. Let your mind and morality go, sir. The Feminists are saying it's OK.
The Land of the Rising Sun (how phallic!) is a mystical realm untouched by the Judeo-Christian dualism of good and evil—an unnatural moral code that is so easily internalised, and which turns any

These S&M tales are make-believe, of course, and as Annie Sprinkle or some other racy American Feminist of her generation once said in a TV documentary Toilet Guppies can't remember the title of: in our own fantasy scenarios we are ourselves all of the characters, so anything goes!

Not that we need political correctness to justify or permit the lurid thoughts it in any case is not in our power to control (however much we limit acting on them). PC is about as sexy as it is funny, so leave that Feminism, Puritanism, Humanism, liberal or Catholic guilt or whatever aside for a moment and let your wretched and stamping, snorting beast out of its cramped, little cage. Be true to yourself for once! Come on, admit it: You're a big ol' freak, just like everybody else…
Everybody else worth talking about, that is. Of course, we don't talk about sex—at least not freely—despite the overabundance of saucy incinuendos in ads, pop hits and TV dramas about young professional city-dwellers/desperate housewives/cougars/Californicators, &c. Yes, there's the sexologist's advice column in your respectable broadsheet's

Well, fret not! That's what pornography—the 8th largest industry in the world—is for, and do I have something juicy for you: I don't understand Japanese any better than you do, but the international language of

Mabuki Junko: Ai no Dorei [.zip]:
- Omoide-zake
- Shôwa Kare-susuki
- Mr. Lonely
- Michizure
- Hanamachi no Haha
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