Marty Trix—one half of the DJ duo with the indisputably wickedest wigs in all of western Norway, I'll Buy You A Husband To Match Your Earrings—has bought a banjo!
In celebration of this event, and as a further encouragement to Old Trixie, Toilet Guppies would like to extend to her—and to anyone else who might care for a helping of music featuring one of the most ridiculed instruments in world history—a collection of prime cuts employing the infamous guitar-drum-thingamajig. There's folk, psychedelia, Americana, experimental rock, blues, singer-songwriter balladry, medicine show music and a piece from a soundtrack score. And no, the latter is not from Deliverance. Let's put a stop to the rumour that the banjo is an instrument played predominantly by inbred, toothless, sadist homosex offenders in the rural outskirts right now.
Still… because it's such a stellar scene, what the heck:

Still… because it's such a stellar scene, what the heck:
Toilet Guppies will be back with more compilations dedicated to defending our most maligned musical instruments at a later date: the accordion, the fiddle, bagpipes, perhaps the pan flute… hell, maybe even the recorder! (I bet you'll be watching this space now…)
Hi, I'd like to use the Banjo Lady photo as a t-shirt design for my clothing line, please email me for details!