Vetiver: «Belles» (demo) [mp3]

Perhaps the best thing about alcohol is the kind of mild hangover you sometimes get, waking up all frisky and full of love. Not
that kind of love—why do you always have to be so crude?—but a sentimental and dare I say romantic feeling, bearing good will to all and making you tip your hat to your fellow man when you pass him on the street… And so for all you people who actually have the Sunday off—to go to a museum or meet friends at a café or just cuddle up in bed (you bastards!)—here's a song I got off the Internet so long ago I don't even remember how or where I came across it. It's a demo version of
Vetiver's «Belles» (an album track off their
eponymous debut), showcasing the almost impossibly gentle vocalisations of Andy «Nacho» Cabic.
I'm brushing off the glitter now and off to work. Have a nice day!
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